Aktualności dla pracowników

Konkurs PROM ZUT 04.03.2022 12:29

Competition announcement no. PROM-ZUT /2022/1

March 02, 2022

 West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin announces a competition for foreign doctoral students under 40 years of age to participate in short forms of education (from 5 to 30 days)

Preferred forms of activities:

-   active participation in a scientific conference organized by ZUT (paper or poster),

-   the doctoral school organized by ZUT,  

-   research internship at ZUT Szczecin up to 30 days of conducting measurements / scientific research using unique equipment or scientific and research infrastructure, up to 30 days *.

Activity implementation period: no later than the end of May 2022.

Deadline for submitting applications: applications will be accepted on a rolling basis but no later than 30 March 2022 or until funds are exhausted.

Eligibility for the Programme is determined by meeting the general requirements of the competition and the order of applications. There is a possibility of combining the forms of training, however, their total duration cannot exceed 30 days.

 Submission instructions:

-   applications ** please send 

•  by traditional mail (in this form the date of receipt shall be decisive) to the  Project Secretariat's address: 

PROM Program Secretariat (room 211)

Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering

West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin
al. Piastów 50a, 70-311 Szczecin, Poland 

•      or by e-mail:  alacwik@zut.edu.pl

 Detailed information and the competition regulations, including the attachments and document templates, can be found at: www.prom.zut.edu.pl


more information (format:  pdf, rozmiar:  160 kB)

więcej informacji tutaj (format:  pdf, rozmiar:  160 kB)